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All Citizen Grey Arms products have a 1 year warranty from the date of purchase that covers defects in the product. This does not cover normal wear and tear. Alot of our products use Velcro™ hook and loop, and due to the nature of how Velcro™ works, it will eventually wear out. If your product is past the warranty period, please still contact us and describe your issue and, at our discretion, well try and find a solution. 


Returns Policy

You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. We'll pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect or defective item, etc.).


Your return can take up to 4 weeks to process once the shipper has your return, but in most cases that will be much sooner.  This time estimate includes the time for the shipper to deliver the item to us, the time for us to process it, and then the time for your card to process that return.  We appreciate your patience as some of these events are out of our control. But well always do our best to treat you the way we prefer to be treated. 


If you need to process a return, please use our contact form and well get back to you with 1 to 3 business days with information on how to proceed.


We ship to most domestic addresses. We currently do not ship internationally.

When you place an order, the delivery estimates are based off of the current ship times. We have a 30 to 45 day lead time, once your entire order is complete we will update you with tracking info that will have the correct shipping estimates at that time




Since Citizen Grey Arms has no control over how its products will be used or who they will be used by following their purchase, Citizen Grey Arms disclaims any and all liability for any damages, personal and/or property, that may result from the use of these products.


By purchasing a Citizen Grey Arms product, you release Citizen Grey Arms and its owner(s), agents, and employees from any and all liability for accidents, injuries, or death relating to the use of our product. 



Be  a Citizen. Be Grey. Bear Arms.

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Citizen Grey Arms LLC

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